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Daily costs (Full PD)
Training varies based on attendees
$3,000 per day (49 or less)
$3,500 per day (50 - 99)
$4,000 per day (100 - 149)
Contact Aaron for 150+
Materials included: one copy of related book per attendee (if applicable)
Format: virtual or in-person
Student engagement consultation
$100 per consultation
$50 per session
Format: virtual or in-person
Training options
Classroom culture & management
Days: 3
Included book: Take CHARGE of the Classroom
Student engagement
Days: 1
Included book: Solving Student Engagement
Vocabulary instruction
Days: 1
Included book: Wrestling with Words
Learning tasks that stick
Days: 1
Included book: Worksheets Don't Work
Winning Classroom Management
Days: 1
Daily costs
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