In yesterday's post we reviewed equations for volume, area, and perimeter. If you weren't able to catch the live stream with the answers, you can watch it here. Today we continue with volume, this time simply calculating it, and look at classifying 2-D shapes. These standards continue Reporting Category 3 - Geometry and Measurement.
Since this is a new concept for 5th graders, the standards separate it into understanding the equation for volume, which was covered yesterday, and simply calculating it. Watch the video below to learn more.
Here's another opportunity to practice your measurement skills. Try to solve this problem from a released STAAR test.

Classifying 2-D Shapes
Students have been classifying shapes for several years before entering 5th grade. Last year, 4th graders learned to sort shapes by the presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines or even types of angles. This year, 5th graders need to be able to sort shapes into hierarchies based on attributes.
Now try answering these two sample problems with your knowledge of 2-D shape classification.

Correct Answers Tonight (4/7/20) at 8:00 pm (CDT), I'll live stream from my YouTube channel to go over the answers to these three practice problems. Make sure you've already worked them out ahead of time. I can answer questions you might have in the stream chat and I'll put the recording on my channel and in this post for anyone that couldn't watch it live. If you haven't done so already, you can subscribe to the channel to get notifications for live streams and new videos that I post.
Here's the live stream with the answers and explanations.